CS352: Compilers
Hardest/Best course so far, DFA/NFA, Lex, Yacc, Topdown/Bottom up grammars, SLR, LALR, AST gen., Typechecking, REtoNFA, NFAtoDFA, Memory Alloc, ARM codegen, Liveness, Interference, Reg. alloc + spilling
CS426: Computer Security
Symm. crypto, Encrypt/Decrypt modes, Access ctrl, IDS, Soft. security, ARP, TCPIP, Public key crypto, TLS, Certificates/PKI, DNS, TOR, Blockchain, XSS/XSRF, SQL
CS381: Advanced Algorithms
Recursion, Selection, Convex Hull, Dynamic Prog, Greedy, LP, String algos: KMP, Biconnectivity, Strong Connectivity, Reductions, Intractibility, NP
CS 354: Operating Systems
XINU OS, Kernel arch, Isolation/Protection, Upper/Lower half kernel, Scheduling, Memory management, Virtual Memory, Asynchronous IPC, Process synchronization, Locality of reference, Device management, DMA support, File systems
CS 448: Relational Database Management Systems
Databse models & architecture, Schemas, ER models, Disk & File storage, Indexing, SQL, Relational calc, Functional dependencies and normalization, Concurrency Control, Transaction Processing, Recovery
CS 373: Data mininig and Machine Learning
K-NN, Naive bayes, Perceptron, Distance metrics, Gaussian mixture models, Pattern mining, Decision trees, Support vector machines, k-means clustering
CS 307: Software Engineering
Semester long project course, See Twister for more info
CS 251: Data Strcutures and Algorithms
Sorting, Hashing, BST, 2-3 Trees, RB Trees, Graph theory, Union Find, Regex, Reductions, Tries, Shortest path, Prim Kruskal
CS 252: Systems Programming
Memory allocation, Shell, Subshell, Bash scripting, Networking, Web server and retrieval