Global Hotkeys Spotify
Globally control your spotify playback using hotkeys
Rust + Tauri + Vue Js
I wanted to learn Rust and apply it alongside multi-threading and concurrency
You can set hotkeys like CTRL + ALT + SPACE to play/pause and control your spotify playback regardless of the infocus application
I chose Rust because it's become quite popular over the past few years and has a lot of benefits
Works cross platform thanks to Tauri and Vue Js
I plan to add more features and release it on public app store and windows store

Github Repo

Spotify Recommender Engine
Using Spotify API + Cosine Similarity Matrices
Personal recommendation system
I listen to a lot of music and wanted to share my finds with my friends
Created a recommender engine where the inputs are audio features such as tempo, energy, acousticness ranging from 1 to 10
Using the parameters, I run a cosine similarity with my entire existing Spotify library
I recommend 9 songs that are most similar from my playlist that they would like to listen to

Github Repo

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This personal website
Full stack built from scratch!
Personal passion project of mine
So I wanted a personal website to showcase things that normally wouldn't fit in a 1-page resume
Built the react front end first and was basically HTML-like code in a react body with semantic. Did not use any react-ive elements like .map() etc
Cut down the code by 80% by using a true react-ive way of handling the rendering
I've never built an API so instead of keeping all the data for this website in the frontend, I offloaded it to Azure storage and I render the data through jsons. So for me to update the website, I just need to add details to the json and run 'npm run deploy'

Github Repo

Twister - A spin on Twitter
Twitter + Reddit + Spin = Twister
Semester long software engineering project
Part of CS 307 - Software Engineering course. A semester long scrum focused team project. We were given some guidelines to follow and a base product to build - a twitter clone
Responsible for the front end and integration of the project. Used React Bootstrap JS with CSS
Check out the deployed project with the link below! (Will take a bit to load)


Github Repo

Project Description

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T-Racer : Self driving car
Autonomously driving RC car
Microsoft Hackathon 2019
Partnered with T-Mobile as part of a customer hack to build a self-driving car with a race track
Responsible for the software side and testing the collisions and tuning hyperparameters
Play the video to check it out in action!

Github Repo

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Biometric security for physical controls
Qualcomm Hackmobile 2018
Many lives are lost each year to fire accidents at homes caused by children. We decided to come up with a unique biometric solution that allows only authorized users to use hazardous kitchen equipment
Responsible for the hardware and software integration with the Arduino and the servo motor. Built a working prototype using a Rice Krispies box and jammed all the hardware inside!
Worked with my fellow intern friends!

Github Repo

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Project Description

Go Out!
An Event viewin and management website
Personal team project
Part of CS 252 - Systems Programming course. Was given creative freedom to work on anything. Used this opportunity to get familiar with client-server architecture with Python Flask/HTML/JS for an event viewing and management app that can be used in a college campus
Responsible for both server side and client side code and integration testing
Check out the deployed project with the link below! (Will take a bit to load)


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